Çalışma Saatleri : 09:00 - 18:00

AC4 Electrochemical sensor

Amperometric single working electrode sensor with a extremely big working electrode made by thick film technology

Dimensions: 25.4 x 7.26 x 0.63 mm

WE material: Au/Pt, Au, Pt, Ag, C

The sensor is formed on a corundum ceramic base. On to this surface working electrode is applied. The working electrode is made of variety of materials. At the end of the sensor there is a contact which is connected with the active part by the silver conducting path which is covered by a dielectric protection layer.


AC*. W*. R* (*)
AC – amperometric sensor or electrode on corundum ceramic base
AC*– Sensor group reference number: 1-13

CC*. W* (*)
CC – conductometric electrode on corundum ceramic base
CC*– Sensor group reference number: 1-3

W* – Working electrode material
S – Alloy of Gold and Platinum
1 – Pure gold
2 – Pure platinum
3 – Pure silver
4 – Carbon(Graphite)
5 – Manually Microdispensed Carbon(Graphite) with Au+Pt alloy auxiliary electrode

R* – Reference electrode material
S – Silver
1 – Silver/Silver Chloride
2 – Silver covered by AgCl

(*) – Additional Technical specification
H – Heating of the sensor
T – Temperature sensing element