Çalışma Saatleri : 09:00 - 18:00

AC5 Electrochemical sensor

Screen printed electrochemical array of 8 working electrodes

Dimensions: 25.4 x 50.8 x 0.63 mm

WE material: Au/Pt, Au, Pt, Ag, C

The sensor is formed on a corundum ceramic base. On to this surface the working and the reference electrodes are applied. The working electrodes create an array of eight electrodes. The electrodes can be made of variety of materials (see below). At the end of the sensor there is a contacting field which is connected with the active part by the silver conducting paths which are covered by a dielectric protection layer. A bio-chemically active substance can be immobilised on the working electrodes of the sensor.


AC*. W*. R* (*)
AC – amperometric sensor or electrode on corundum ceramic base
AC*– Sensor group reference number: 1-13

CC*. W* (*)
CC – conductometric electrode on corundum ceramic base
CC*– Sensor group reference number: 1-3

W* – Working electrode material
S – Alloy of Gold and Platinum
1 – Pure gold
2 – Pure platinum
3 – Pure silver
4 – Carbon(Graphite)
5 – Manually Microdispensed Carbon(Graphite) with Au+Pt alloy auxiliary electrode

R* – Reference electrode material
S – Silver
1 – Silver/Silver Chloride
2 – Silver covered by AgCl

(*) – Additional Technical specification
H – Heating of the sensor
T – Temperature sensing element