Çalışma Saatleri : 09:00 - 18:00

MF-1051 Standard Electrochemical Cell (with 100 mL glass cell)

This standard electrochemical cell is designed for use with BASi standard reference electrodes, standard working electrodes, and auxiliary electrodes. The glass cell comfortably holds a volume of around 100 mL and will allow you to test 25-75 mL of solution. It also comes with Teflon tubing for purging or blanketing your solution.

Includes: (1 each)
ER-9132 Teflon coated stir bar
MF-2052 RE-5B Ag/AgCl electrode
MW-1033 Coiled Pt wire aux. electrode
MR-1195 100mL glass cell
MR-1199 BE teflon cell top
MR-1196 Auxiliary electrode chamber
MR-1198 Auxiliary electrode bushing
MF-2012 Glassy carbon working electrode – 3 mm diameter
MF-1035 Teflon tubing 1/16″ OD
MR-1236 O-ring for BE cell aux chamber