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Peripheral Differential Amplifier and temperature measurement module for OctoStat

Each channel: 1 differential input and 1 temperature measurement

The OctoPDA-T  is a module, designed for use in combination with an OctoStat, that allows 2 analog input measurements for each OctoStat channel:

  • input 1 is a high impedance differential analog input with BNC connector
    • Capable of measuring the difference between inputs up to ±10V
    • Input impedance >1E12 Ohm
    • The voltage signal transfers directly to Analog input 1 of the potentiostat peripheral port
  • input 2 is an analog input with a direct connection for a K-type thermocouple for temperature measurements
    • Suitable for K-type thermocouples
    • Temperature range from -50 to 900 degrees centigrade
    • Measurement accuracy:
      • -25 to 400C is ±2C
      • >400C is ±1.6%
    • The voltage signal transfers directly to Analog input 2 of the potentiostat peripheral port