Çalışma Saatleri : 09:00 - 18:00



The PECC-1/PECC-2 are specially tailored for testing electrode materials with photoelectrochemical techniques.

Manufactured from Teflon and PTCFE, the cells are highly stable against chemicals and are available with BK7 or quartz window. The cell geometry is optimized for the photoelectrochemical measurements and the cell comes with a Ag/AgCl reference electrode and a Pt counter electrode.

Photoelectrodes of different diameter (from 7 mm to 25 mm) can be mounted in the PECC-2 cell with the help of reducer kits. The PECC-2 cell also contains gas in-/outlets.

  • Gas tight PEC cells
  • Reducer kit for different electrode sizes (d = 7 mm to 25 mm)
  • PECC-1: Cell with front window
  • PECC-2: Cell with windows on front and back